Our Church
Established in 1977, Ramona Lutheran Church and School is a member ofThe Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. About UsService Times
Our Mission & Vision
Ramona Lutheran is a member of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
At Ramona Lutheran, you’ll still find Bible, Catechism, and hymnal thoroughly used in our life together in Christ. We believe the historic liturgy and the faithful body of hymns in our Lutheran heritage best reflect what we receive from Holy Scripture and confess in the Book of Concord.
We Believe…
We believe that these are assets for the faithful proclamation of the Gospel to all because they confess the changeless and universal faith that we have received from the faithful who have gone before us. We wish to remain distinctly confessional in teaching and practice passing on what we have received, rather than blending in with the landscape of pop Christianity.
Evangelical and catholic are the old words that describe the substance of our traditional Lutheran congregation in teaching and practice. Our pastor is glad to offer instruction for those coming from other beliefs and who have come to trust the good news of Christ and acknowledge that truth.
We Welcome You
We Gather Every Sunday
Sunday Service
Divine Service –
Sundays at 9:00 am
Current Adult Bible Study
The Book of Revelation –
Sundays at 10:45 am
Children’s Sunday School
Sundays at 10:45 am
What We Believe
The Holy Scriptures as contained in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are The Word of God. They are, in the original form, without error, and are verbally inspired by God for our edification and salvation from eternal damnation.
God, The Father of us all, created all mankind of two distinct kinds: man and woman. He created us thus so we might bear children, fill, and have dominion over the earth.
Jesus Christ, The Son of God, was sent into this world to redeem it from its sinful and eternally damnable condition. He lived a perfectly obedient life before God on our behalf, because we were incapable of doing so. He died a fully-sufficient death on our behalf, because our death could never reconcile our sinful rebellion before God The Father. His death equates to the forgiveness of sin, but does that include my sins?
Yes, after Christ’s death and resurrection from the dead, He ascended into heaven where He reigns over His creation to this day. Before His ascension He told His disciples The Holy Spirit would be given and would forgive sins and lead believers in Jesus Christ into all truth. How, then, does The Holy Spirit accomplish this?
The Holy Spirit works in particular ways through specific means. A promise is attached to a visual reality, which we call a Sacrament. In Holy Baptism He imparts faith and forgiveness of sin through the use of The Word of The Holy Scriptures as well as water. In Holy Communion, or The Lord’s Supper, He imparts the very presence of Jesus Christ to believers through the use of The Words of Christ’s Institution as well as bread as wine, which enable believers to receive their Lord’s body as blood for forgiveness and strength in their faith. The Holy Spirit also works forgiveness for those who repent of their sins and receive the words of Holy Absolution from the pastor in Divine Service.
When believers gather together in The House of The Lord to hear The Word of God, we receive the unconditional gifts of God. We call this gathering around The Word, Divine Service, because it emphasizes the service that The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are performing in order to sustain our faith and grant us forgiveness. They give; we receive. This is what The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire for you too!
If you wish to know more specifically what we believe, teach, and confess, please utilize the links below. We are always ready to answer any questions you may have.
More About Us
Terry Meyer
Terry Meyer was born and raised in Beatrice Nebraska. He received a Bachelor Degree in Liberal Arts from Concordia University, Mequon, WI and Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO.
He has been married to his wife Genia for 37 years. Together they have two adult children, Brandon and Desiree. Terry has become a world traveler in recent years, spending seven month in Mosul, Iraq, one year in Afghanistan with short visits to Kuwait, Dubai, France and Italy.
Terry is the Gold Star Father of Spc. Brandon Abbott Meyer.

Our Pastor: Terry Meyer
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